Stones of Remembrance
Cathy Russo served faithfully as Prayer Chair for Saving Susan Ministry for the past three years. She is a Prayer Warrior and has such a heart for our amazing Missionary Partners in Cambodia.
“Father we need you, O how we need you, You are the Light that shines our way. You are our Shelter, You are our Fortress, You are our Guidepost for each day. We are Your sheep Lord, and we need a Shepherd, Or we may wander and lose our way. But You are good Lord, and You will guide us, bringing us safely through each day.”
While this is not a song we used during our prayer time, it is characteristic of the position we have taken in this Ministry. Pray first and follow His leading. Lots of things can be done and they can be beneficial, but following His lead produces fruit that is far better than we could do on our own and His fruit lasts. Our main goal is to build the Kingdom of God in the lives of those we serve. To help heal the scars of abandonment and rejection, and therefore bring hope, love and acceptance to these precious children and those who care for them. The results built on this foundation of prayer are profound. The needs always outweigh the resources but following His leading we can be assured that we have been and will continue to be wise stewards of the gifts received. We have seen His faithfulness over and over again. We have seen Him provide answers before we even knew what to ask for.
As we asked Him concerning positions in our ministry, He brought new staff members and moved some around, doing much more than we could have thought possible. When we trust Him, He always does more. “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” 1 Cor 2:9. There is even now a full time coordinator at Belig.
He has been so good to give us affirmation as to our faith stand in areas of concern. And those times when there is something on one of our hearts and hears those very concerns or praises voiced by someone else in the group. Truly wherever 2 or 3 are joined together He is in our midst. And His Spirit unites our hearts and guides us in prayer.
Fundraising, abundant. Parent Partners, more than we asked. Guidance during trips, we could say miraculous. Provision of a Bus for Belig. Coordinating with Serv International to provide food for the feeding stations in Cambodia. Even providing the right people in the right places at the right time to receive that food. Blessings too numerous to count.
And now one of the greatest blessings I have seen is providing Jack Kelly to take over as prayer coordinator. I’ve known for a while I was only holding the place for someone else. I didn’t know who, but God did. Jack, they need you and you are the one God had in mind. Can’t wait to see what God does now.
It has been an honor to walk beside Jay and Tracy Arntzen and the rest of the staff of this ministry. May God continue to keep His hand on you and you continue to keep your eyes on Him.
Your sister in Christ, Cathy